Collections / Observations Report

Search Criteria

Spatial Filter
  • Enable - When the Enable box is checked, the Spatial Filter will be used during the Search. Uncheck the box to search records throughout Barkley Sound.
  • Location - Select a gazetted place-name from the Location dropdown to re-position the Search Area circle. The Latitude and Longitude will initially correspond to the Location, but will not correspond if the Search Area is dragged elsewhere.
  • Latitude / Longitude - Coordinates of the center of the Search Area circle.
  • Radius - The radius in kilometres of the Search Area.
  • Search Area - The Search Area is indicated by the shaded circle. It can be moved by clicking and dragging the center marker. Coordinates of the new position will appear in the Lat/Long boxes. You may change the radius by clicking and dragging the sizing icon on the side of the Search Area circle.
  • Reset Search Area to current zoom - If you have panned to an area outside the Search Area (shaded circle), or have zoomed in so you are looking at a small portion of the Search Area, then clicking will re-set the Search Area, centered within your current view.
  • Species Group - if desired, limit your search to a group like Birds or Crustaceans.
  • Name - leave blank to search for all species in a group. Alternatively, to search for a specific species within the group type the first few letters of the name and the application will return choices based on the characters you enter. Choices will be restricted to group you specified, and are further restricted by choosing to search Scientific or English Names. You may also elect to search synonyms (Scientific and English).
  • Scientific Name - if selected, your Name search will be restricted to Scientific Names.
  • English Name - if selected, your Name search will be restricted to English (common) Names. Inc Synonyms - if selected, your Name search will include Scientific and English Synonyms.
Date Range
  • Start Date - to limit a search to collections/observations made after a particular date, click on the calendar icon and select a date.
  • End Date - to limit a search to collections/observations made before a particular date, click on the calendar icon and select a date.
  • Yearly Recurrence - to search for collections/observations made within a range of days over subsequent years, enter the number of years to be searched. For example, to search for collections/observations made in August between 2005 and 2010 set Start Date = 08/01/2005, End Date = 01/31/2005 and Yearly Recurrence = 9.
  • Description - a description of the search based on the values entered in Start Date, End Date and Yearly Recurrence. Review this to confirm the search will do what you intended.
Collection Type
  • Collection - check this box to search for collection records
  • Observation (+) - check this box to search for positive observation records (something was seen)
  • Observation (-) - check this box to search for negative observation records (a specific organism was looked for but not seen).
Site Parameters
  • Select values from drop down boxes to restrict your search to records that include those specific values. Be aware this will exclude records with different values AND records for which no value was recorded.
  • Depth - depth values associated with marine, terrestrial or freshwater records
  • Substrate - substrate values associated with marine, terrestrial or freshwater records
  • Exposure - exposure values associated with marine, terrestrial or freshwater records
  • Profile - profile values associated with marine, terrestrial or freshwater records
  • Operation type - operation type values associated with marine, terrestrial or freshwater records
  • Equipment - equipment values associated with marine, terrestrial or freshwater records
  • Habitat - habitat values associated with marine, terrestrial or freshwater records

Map Results

  • Individual record appear as red dots
  • When records are too close to display individually, they appear as colored circles. As you zoom in, colored circles will resolve themselves into combinations of individual records and colored circles. Multiple collections/observations made in the same place appear as a colored circle.
    2-10 records
    11-99 records
    100 or more records
  • To view collection/observation records:
    • Click on red dots and a record summary will open.
    • Click on a colored circles and a list of organisms collected/observed at that place will open. Click on any organism in the list to see the record summary.

Tabular Results

  • The table to the right of the map contains a summary of the search results. Clicking on any record (row) will identify its location on the map. Tabular results may be exported to Excel, which includes all the column listed below.
  • Scientific Name - names of vascular plants and vertebrates, are provincial standard names fromExt LinkBC Species and Ecosystems Explorer. Names of seaweeds are from Ext LinkAlgae Base. Names of marine invertebrates are from the Integrated Taxonomic Information System ((Ext LinkITIS).
  • English Name - names of vascular plants and vertebrates, are provincial standard names from Ext LinkBC Species and Ecosystems Explorer. Names of seaweeds are from Keys to the Seaweeds and Seagrasses of Southeast Alaska, British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. Phycological Contribution Number 7. Names of marine invertebrates are from the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (Ext LinkITIS.
  • Collection Type - indicates if the record is for a collection, observation or negative observation (a specific organism was looked for but not seen)
  • Latitude - coordinate of the collection/observation site. Prior to 2011 latitudes were estimated from charts and may be inaccurate.
  • Longitude - coordinate of the collection/observation site. Prior to 2011 these were estimated from charts and may be inaccurate.
  • Location - gazetted place-name closest to the collection/observation site
  • Number collected - the number of organisms taken.
  • Height/Depth - height or depth where the organism was collected or observed
  • Pop Est. - an estimate of the number of organisms present at the collection site
  • Exposure - for marine records, whether the collection/observation site was exposed, semi-exposed or protected from wave action.
  • Operation Type - Whether an aquatic collection/observation was made from shore, by snorkel, scuba or vessel. For terrestrial collections/observations, this will be blank or other.
  • Profile - Horizontal aspect of the collection/observation site.
  • Substrate - Substrate at the collection/observation site.
  • Habitat Type - Habitat at the collection/observation site.
  • Equipment - gear used to make the collection/observation.